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Congressional Term Limit Act or The #YouAreDoneAct

Section 1: Short Title

  • This act may be cited as the "Congressional Term Limit Act or The #YouAreDoneAct of [Year]."

Section 2: Term Limit for Senators

  • Limit senators to serving a maximum of three terms, with each term being six years in duration.

  • After serving three terms, a senator will be ineligible for re-election to the Senate.

Section 3: Term Limit for Members of the House of Representatives

  • Limit members of the House of Representatives to serving a maximum of six terms, with each term being two years in duration.

  • After serving six terms, a representative will be ineligible for re-election to the House.

Section 4: Calculation of Terms Served

  • Define a "term" as a full term of office served, regardless of any partial terms served due to special elections or appointments.

Section 5: Transition Period

  • Establish a transition period to gradually implement the term limits.

  • Current officeholders are exempted from the term limits for the initial implementation period.

  • The term limits will apply to officeholders elected or re-elected after the effective date of this law.

Section 6: Exceptions and Special Cases

  • Allow for exceptions in cases where an individual has served less than half of a term due to a special election or appointment. These partial terms will not count toward the overall term limit.

Section 7: Retroactive Effect

  • The term limit provisions will apply retroactively to all current and future officeholders, including those serving at the time of the law's enactment.

  • Determine the effective date of the law to initiate the countdown for current officeholders, ensuring a reasonable transition period.

Section 8: Enforcement and Penalties

  • Assign the responsibility for enforcing the term limits to an appropriate federal agency or department.

  • Establish penalties for non-compliance with the term limit provisions, including disqualification from re-election and potential legal consequences.

Section 9: Constitutional Considerations

  • Conduct a thorough examination of the constitutionality of implementing term limits, taking into account any relevant Supreme Court decisions and legal interpretations.

  • Consult legal experts and lawmakers to ensure that the law is in compliance with the United States Constitution.

Section 10: Public Awareness and Education

  • Promote public awareness and understanding of the term limit law through public campaigns, educational programs, and easily accessible information resources.

  • Encourage civic participation and informed voting by providing voters with clear information about term limits and their impact on the legislative process.

Section 11: Amendments and Repeal

  • Establish procedures for amending or repealing the term limit law, ensuring that any changes undergo thorough deliberation and consideration by the appropriate legislative bodies

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