Term limits Day One, 18yrs maximum for both House and Senate. (2 Terms for Senate with possible additional terms if the people want and 6 terms for House with 3 more terms if the people want.)
Free and fair elections, mandatory reform, and recounts.
End all vaccine mandates.
Balance US Budgets [now at 30 trillion due to Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden policies. (It’s a Democrat & republican issue.)]
Cut the fat and decrease government size.
End Section 230 for platforms that hindered or hinder free speech. Make them utilities like phone companies light and gas etc.
Release Jan 6, prisoners. Compensation is to be given by DC leaders.
Imprison all those who worked for the government which went against America or aided in some way.
America is about law and order. Strip Ilhan, Shift, Swalwell, and others of committee positions investigate them, (this one already came to pass at least halfway)
Investigate Babbitt’s death.
Investigation on Hunter Biden, China, and Covid, etc.
Fire and sue Fauci, no severance and investigate! (This one needs altering)
Close the border for 5 years completely, while we deal with internal problems. No mass, or large immigration via Article 2 Section 4 (Biden has spent more than 390 million to fly illegals within the last year to all states.
Form a coalition between border states, all states are now border states. Due to Biden’s criminal flights of illegals nationwide.
Finish Building the wall.
Stop the flow of Fentanyl. Shoot down cartel drones which monthly, bring in enough fentanyl to kill every American in America.
Clear backlogs in courts, find all illegals via drag net, document them into the system, charge them, and have them return to their countries.
Stop all Aid to countries that allow lawlessness to reach our borders or disrespect our soldiers.
Redirect monies to aid the homeless (of which 26,000+ are children in PA alone)
End social-emotional learning. Bring back only what was allowed to be taught by the founders and the Constitution.
Make school choice national. Fire failing principals and redirect and restaff failing schools.
Day One Legislations
The Create, Organize, Legislate, License, Americanize, Grant &, Educate (Act). AKA, (The Pay Collage Act) will Pay off student debt via 3 steps.
¼ can be reabsorbed by the college, especially for garbage degrees that don’t help their students (Actually) find employment.
Employers that want the degree can pay ¼ to aid the student via Tuition reimbursement to attract the right degrees (which can be a tax write-off in certain situations alone),
Finally, the student must pay 2/4th of the remaining balance of the loan. Since they took it upon themselves to take it out. This will help with the college debt problem while not impacting the American taxpayer to the hilt, via free college.
Look into giving “direct descendants of Slaves” AKA Fundamental Black Americans (FBA) a type of and/or reparations via My Plan AKA (Reparations in Action Act) The conversation is gaining ground and the time has come to heal America and help those disadvantaged by unjust laws from unjust lawmakers. So, I am Looking to Guage this topic and place it into a referendum to see, where and what the American public thinks in which direction this topic should go.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me here on my website or on my social media. Find me on Twitter and Truth Social under @Isael4PA, or Getter @IsraelForSenate, or LinkedIn under https://www.linkedin.com/company/israel-cruz-for-us-senate/